Messaging Stats

Provides a count of each unique messaging event grouped by either day, month or year.

The endpoint accepts the following required query parameters:

  • group_by - field specifying whether to group events by day, month or year.

  • target_type - field to be used to determine the target object type i.e xform

  • target_id - field used to identify the target object.

  • verb: field used to filter returned responses by a specific verb

  • timestamp: used to filter by actions that occurred in a specific timeframe. This query parameter support date time lookups i.e timestamp__day, `timestamp__year


GET /api/v1/stats/messaging?target_id=1&target_type=xform&group_by=year


    "submission_edited": 5,
    "submission_created": 10,
    "group": "2023"
    "submission_edited": 1043,
    "submission_created": 5023,
    "submission_deleted": 200,
    "group": "2022"